The main thing that will strike you about the Sisterhood of the Traveling Lighter is its charm.
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The main thing that will strike you about the Sisterhood of the Traveling Lighter is its charm.
Vibration, singing and signing came together as traditional norms were innovatively built upon, and the audience was treated to a sensational night of entertainment.
You will not see a show that will fill you with more warmth.
Performed at the Regal Theatre, based on the famous film by Roger Corman, was the stage performance of Little Shop of Horrors presented by Entertaind.
Little Women is a tried-and-tested classic, as wholly loved as it is wholly relevant. The Blue Room production is a wonderful little spectacle that offers everything loved about the tale.
Seeing “Love Letters To The Revolution” feels like falling into an expertly crafted trap.
Black Swan’s latest outing attempts to draw the parallels between the Orwellian source material and modern times.
Armed with a perfect blend of genius stagecraft, committed performance, and a witty script, Unheimlich took us on a whirlwind of emotions, cheeky chuckles and a deep reflection on relationships.
This is life affirming theatre in the truest sense of the phrase.
Have you ever said the wrong thing, at the wrong place and at the wrong time? This story of Boy is the story of so many, a journey we’ve all taken if we’re to be honest.
Entertaind Productions delivered with their production of Heathers the Musical. This performance shows the beauty of community theatre and the rich talents Perth has to offer. I recommend giving this show a go if you’re a fan of musicals, cult classics and local performances!
Filled with magical moments of gorgeous Gershwin music, heart-melting vocals and divine choreography, this production will win you over in a heartbeat.
Exuding an infectious energy that oozed with cheekiness and confidence, their comedic banter earned whoops and shouts from men and ladies alike.
“I felt it was something I owed my mother after all this time. Writing this piece was as much of an apology as much as a love letter.”
Bright sparkly lights, flashy colours and never-ending sass are only a taste of what to expect in this hilarious musical from the heart.
For anyone predisposed to a good coming-of-age tale, this one should tick all the right boxes.
Legally Blonde The Musical is a must watch if you’re a fan of 2000s chick-flicks, over-the-top performances and insane amounts of pink! This production will make you say ‘OMIGOD!’
It might be cliché to say something needs to be ‘seen to be believed’, but in the case of The Last Great Hunt’s Whistleblower, you really do just have to see it. By its very definition, this is a play that will be like nothing else you’ve ever seen- it’s built into its DNA.
The Boy from Oz is an ode to Perth theatre and the multitude of talent our state has to offer.
On a hot night, somewhere (Pig Melon) in East Perth, twenty to thirty-odd people decided to cram themselves in a stuffy, extremely heated room only to be slightly cooled by a lower-powered air conditioner.