6 Common Frustrations You Never Complain About
Everyday we're faced with problems and issues that are enough to make you want to strangle your kitten, but you never say anything about them. Either because you'd seem as petty as an political opposition leader, or because you're embarrassed. So I've gone ahead and made this list of some that plague me; but if you've got any, drop them in the comments!
This is probably similar to the face you make when any of the following happens
1. Catching only the end of a good song
You know how it goes, you get in your car and as soon as the radio comes on you hear an amazing song. You could walk into a room, a club, it doesn't matter, but you get instantly excited by the sound. In a matter of seconds you realise it's about to end; you frantically rack your brain trying to think of how you can prevent this from happening, but there's nothing you can do. Before you know it the radio presenters voice penetrates your ears; feeling like a not-so-subtle fuck you. The feeling associated with this is probably sadness and despair. You never had a chance
2. Having your mind set on masturbating; then someone comes over
"Now I'ma let you finish.... but I wanna hang out"
This is probably more male-centric; but I'm certain it happens to women too. You woke up late, or called in sick for work, or whatever, you don't want to do anything but you're bored out of your mind. You're not sure how old that pizza is, you walk to the fridge to realise you have nothing to eat. In a hungry huff you slam down on your mattress thinking of something to do. It hits you.. "might as well........". But before you do, you'll quickly check your email, or pull up some material etc. Then you hear it... someone has showed up un-announced (or you forgot they were coming because you're a pleb), or your parents/siblings came home, but this has ruined your plans. But you'd never dare to complain about it because we all know how awkward that would be
3. Getting into bed, only to realise you forgot to do something
Probably one of the worst feelings; if you're like me you only get into bed when you are actually so close to dead. You're nearly off to meet that special someone in your dreams when you remember something that requires you to get out of your cosy abode. The usual one for me is forgetting to brush your teeth; I hate this because it wakes me the fuck back up. Another common one is realising you haven't set an alarm for the following day; this is particularly tormenting because it reminds you that you're going to be abruptly awaken in 4 hours by some ungodly high-pitched sound that no human should ever have to hear.
4. Using a water fountain, but the water is warm
I fucking hate this. I'm not a snob, but just because I'm not surrounded by water fountains, I only use them when I've done something that's really taken it out of me and I spot one (like walking up a whole 2 flights of stairs... this is the worst). So when I spot one, I'm usually panting with a mouth dryer than your grandpa's. I limp over to it, fumble for the tap and like a dog I try and lap that delicious goodness up. Then my mouth is greeted with a disgusting warm water that tastes like it was left in a car for 2 days.
5. The person in the cubicle next to you is letting loose
I'll probably vomit when I'm writing this, because of all the bad memories it evokes. Too often I've just been in a stall, you know, being normal and shit. And all I can hear, all I can smell, all I can GRAPHICALLY IMAGINE, is what's going on less than a metre away from me. Someone just drank a 6 pack while consuming a spicy bean curry with cheese and it really didn't agree. They're letting the porcelain and anyone within a 50 metre radius know about it. The WORST is when this is accompanied with sounds from the mouth; I mean groaning, sighing, moaning.. UGH. But of course, it's really inappropriate to just go tell your mates "FUCK THIS GUY WAS GOING FOR GOLD", so you just writhe in disgust and try and move on with your life as best you can.
6. Pouring something and it dribbles down the outside of the pouring "vessel"
This is everything. You're pouring gravy, sauce, concrete, water even. No matter what, whether the vessel has a lip or a big edge, it drizzles down the side like saliva out of your mouth after a filling. I don't understand how with all the science we have there isn't some mainstream-developed product to cope with this. It's become such a part of life that no one dare complain about it; this is the kind of problem we need to get Sir. James Dyson on to.
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