Good Places to Eat Near UWA
With semester (too) fast approaching, and our taste buds used to holiday treats, we are faced with a dilemma best summed up by Shakespeare-
"To be, or not to be, that is the question, Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer, The Slings and Arrows of disgusting guild food, Or to partake in a Sea of foreign delectables."
We are about to embark in our fourth year of uni, what would have been our last had we not decided on filling our minds with double degrees (but thats another story) and as such, we feel it is almost time to hand over some of the knowledge we have collectively gained.
1) Please don't get Chilliz. Yes it's cheap and tastes' O.K, but really, what even is that meat.
- Protip: I think they do an okay weird desert milk drink thing, a friend reckons so at least.
2) Broadway, we don't want to hand feed you here, and don't want our favourite spot here to be ruined, but explore the place. Head up Fairway (running alongside the back of Maths/Physics/Engineering) away from Stirling hwy and you can't miss it!
- Protip: Don't get stuck in a rut of eating kebabs everyday, also, IGA has some decent pre-made pasta salads which defeat instant Mei Goreng.
3) Okay, try Michaels Gourmet and Tommy Sugo and thank us in the comments section. It's hidden on the second level of Broadway!
- Michaels Gourmet offer some great rolls and Tommy Sugo do pasta, arancini balls and some good coffee.
4) The Burgermeister. Go there, don't make it a habit though, it'll send you broke. Located up Hampden road, which is architecture side of Stirling hwy, follow the underground tunnel near the art gallery for easier access.
- The milkshakes there are great too!
5) Rocketfuel coffee is the best on campus, off campus check out The Tenth State (cnr Broadway and Stirling Hwy), Bou Bar (opposite Burgermeister), they do some great foods there too.
- Grow some hair on your chest and get a long mac from either of these places, you'll be impressed!
- The Tenth State is a fairly new addition to the UWA locale, I like their coffee and they do some nice baked goods. Lots of knick knacks too!
- Up on Hampden there's a new place called Felix , yet to taste. Thoughts? EDIT yeh Felix is good.
Fresh rolls indeed!
6) Subway is a short drive away, as is Nandos and Hungry Jacks. Head towards Freo on Stirling Hwy to Claremont.
- Don't go there if you can't be guaranteed a car park upon re-entry to campus.
7) Mothers Foods for a quick meal with some decent pre-made rolls, pastries and cafeteria type foods. You can find it on Broadway right near Stirling Hwy!
- Kinda close to the Reid Library and so much better than that 'curry' they serve there.
8) Ned's is quite good too, up at the top of Broadway near the petrol station. Go to Mothers for something quick or Ned's for that gourmet feel.
9) I mean, there's probably more, but come on guys, help me out in the comments below!