5 TV Shows we're anticipating in 2013
5. Mad Men
Jon Hamm & Jessica Pare
During the airing of season 5 of Mad Men, AMC, Matthew Weiner and Lionsgate finally made the decision for exactly how long we can expect Mad Men on the air. Why does this matter?
Well if you've ever seen Mad Men before, you know how amazing and tantalizing the perfectly executed arc can be. Matthew Weiner is an absolute artist; now he knows exactly how many minutes he has to (maybe) show us who Don Draper is!
I don't know about you, but this is one of those shows I could watch start to finish, and never stops being smart and interesting.
April 7
4. House of Cards
Kevin Spacey looks as sinister as ever
"House of Cards? What's that?" You might ask; well keep it on your radar!
Well radar? It's already completely available (as of February 1) thanks to Netflix's great idea to release their entire commissioned series all at once. I'm a big fan of this, because I know that most people will sit down and smash out way more than one episode at a time of a TV Show
House of Cards is a political drama starring non other than Kevin Spacey (aka John Doe, aka Keyser Soze, aka Lester Burnham), who rises to secretary of state, before planning revenge on the people who had previously betrayed him.
I think most of the hype for us is Kevin Spacey's critically renowned skill-set setting into action the detailed storyline based on a novel of the same name.
Available Now on Netflix
3. Game of Thrones
We all already know how amazing Game of Thrones is; and we know how all out HBO in general with their TV shows, so nothing less than spectacular is expected.But the creators of the show have told interviewers that part of the reason they wanted to adapt the novels was purely based on the third book alone. We also know this season will have more dragons, which we all know are fucking awesome. If you've ever spoken to a fan of the GOT books, you'll know that the third book is usually their favourite one; because half way between (which will be the end of this season), something amazing happens that culminates in an epic moment that is more than worth watching this season for!
March 31
2. Breaking Bad
The final season of Breaking Bad has been split into two sections; we've already seen the first 8, now comes the back 8.
This is the culmination of so many twists and turns, we've watched Walter White become a completely different man from the cancer-stricken middle-aged chemistry teacher we first met in season 1. It's become a cult-icon, and rightfully so.
So how will Vince Gilligan blow us away again? He's shown before how much he can do in 8 episodes, and expect this bar to be lifted for the final 8 episodes.
It's sad that it's ending, but it had to, otherwise it wouldn't be as good as we all think it is.
But the question you're most likely asking is "What will happen now that Hank knows?"
I literally get annoyed waiting for an answer!
Summer 2013 (Our Winter!)
1. Arrested Development
Never been so excited to see a bunch of actors in ridiculous costumes
I can forgive you for not hearing of Arrested Development, it hasn't been on the air since 2006; where after much troubles FOX cut the critically acclaimed sitcom short during it's third season. There was much angst as can be seen during the third season with the hilarious references to this within the show.
Arrested Development is still commonly referred to as the one of the shows that should never have been cut short, and when it was announced that Netflix were picking it up for a fourth season, all to be released at once (remember how I said this was awesome), it was like Superman saved Earth from a meteor.
Prepare yourselves for some of the smartest, most clever sitcom comedy you will ever see. After 7 years off air, and with all the original cast returning; expect to see the show go all out (hopefully it goes off with a bang so Netflix can afford to order another season). I'm hoping the cult status of this show catapults it into re-stardom so it never ends again.
If you haven't seen if before, get on the first three seasons!
May 2013